the shadow laboratory: Let Go... Let God

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Let Go... Let God

"Letting God!" would not be complete without "Letting Go."

hmmm... today is an interesting day. agggst! Thank God for His message! Im glad i attended the afternoon service. the message was about letting go and letting God. we can't let God take control of our life if we do not let go of unnecessary things, things which bother us, things which take our eyes off Him, things which stress us, things, people and situations which are hard to handle and hard to gauge. However these things are important to us in this temporal material world we're living, only eternal and spiritual things are things that matter. anything that pertains to God would be matters of great consequence.

and one more thing... :) i found another person who shares the same birthday as mine. she's having her debut... in guy's terms, im having one too, but no party for me. anyways... i'm happy, i hope to be euphoric soon...

Song of the Moment: One Last Cry
(last na talaga to...)


Blogger yomz said...

hehe. pakawalan na natin. ung "abs" ko dapat mawala na rin...

7:45 PM


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