the shadow laboratory: Backup Love

Friday, February 24, 2006

Backup Love

Always remember to backup your files. In one of the episodes of Spongebob Squarepants, they said that we should not bring anything we are not prepared to lose. In most cases, be sure to backup files we are not ready to let go. It hurts to see your files go... all your investments, your time, energy and internet money, going down to waste.

Early this morning, I saw some signs. I was sick, fortunately classes were suspended so i could rest. When i was about to use my phone, it shut down. No message in the inbox was left. Arrgh. Yeah, i copied some messages to a piece of paper, but those were good messages worthy remembering and keeping. But then, I have to let go. Forces of technology and cellphone malfunctions help me to let go. Then when i restarted the phone again, some messages saved from the sim went back. Hmm... not bad after all. Still, goodbye messages. A friend told me, a sign is just a sign.

Then I slept. I dreamt of meeting Zhang Ziyi. We were talking and she still had difficulty talking English, but the conversation went well. Arrgh... a sign is just a sign. I suddenly remembered my 1st crush who looked like her. Signs... nuninuninu... this has nothing to do with my point, i just wanted to share

Then i thought, what if love could be backed up. When love is lost, it hurts so bad. You invest time. You invest effort. You invest some money to execute your plans, to go out, to hang out. You invest love. You invest yourself. All these short and long-term investments - so love would grow, so the relationship would grow, so you'll grow together. Your stock prices will reach each peak. Wait... why am i talking about investments and stocks? Back to backing up. Then, one day, you'll discover everything is gone. You wake up one morning, being slapped in the face by words saying the feeling is gone, love is gone, all those investments gone awry. Goodbye. Ouch. Tsk tsk. Sayang. How you wish love could be backed up, and recover all those lost moments and feelings. How you wish you could install love once again, either to start anew, or bank on the recovered memories and build on the relationship as if nothing happened. Even if the love files are corrupted, how you could wish you could fix them or delete them so as not to affect the whole system of relationship. If the some virus or bugs or worms invaded the relationship, how we wish we could eliminate those pesky intruders who complicated the once blooming relationship. How we wish we could clean up the system to make the relationship running smoothly once again. How we wish we could bring back the memories, the moments, and all those good times.

Unfortunately, we can't bring back something another party considers obsolete. How could we compete with some new system? I think there are really backups, but those concerned parties keep them for safekeeping purposes, not something to bring back, since even if they are unforgettable happy or sad moments, those are the same moments from the person who they got tired of or got bored with. Due to the lack of term, "pinagsawaan na." If these were not the case, then backup would be successful. If this is the case, then it's time to say goodbye and live and let go. Find a new model. Upgrade yourself. Upgrade your love. Canvas, and find upgrades. Always raise the bar higher everytime you move on.


Blogger cynic-skeptic said...

most backups are done on digital objects.

unfortunately, we are analog.

10:14 PM

Blogger yomz said...

agree. nevertheless, we have memories which can be transfered digitally, through images, videos, and audio... moments capturing what was with who. our minds are better "computers" too, but like what ive said on the last part, backups are worthless if those backups are not given importance by the other person anymore. haaaay...

10:25 PM

Blogger cynic-skeptic said...


it ain't digital. it never was. what i do know about it is that it always produces an erratic signal in my part.

3:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

who needs a freakin upgraded system when someday il be sitting in a museum, priceless? all i need is time. =) cheers tim.=)

1:07 PM

Blogger yomz said...

to tami:

hahaha! vintage models! asteeg. we're all priceless. as long as we are still ourselves, yet improving some aspects of our lives. classic!

ive read this somewhere... "she can change the world. but she can't change me."

1:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like this line too.. "things don't have to be extraordinary to be beautiful, the ordinary can be just as beautiful." - wicker park

kung ayaw mo ng ordinary na kasing ganda, edi wag.

i duno if its connected but i just had to post it. hahaha

6:38 PM

Blogger yomz said...

to tami:

that's a great line. asteeeg! i love ordinary girls. the problem/good thing is that though they look ordinary, they really are not. one girl may look quiet and kind, but she actually had a dozen boyfriends already. who knows? ordinary can be deceiving. but ordinary could be really great! :D

12:51 AM


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