the shadow laboratory: Panalo!

Friday, November 11, 2005


Hmm... i was just reading through the pages of yesterday's edition of the Philippine Daily Inquirer and I came across the Special Project section featuring the Agora Awards. Then I saw the picture of our professor in IMC, who is also the program director of our course. He, Dr. Jerome Kliatchko, bagged the Outstanding Achievement in Marketing Education of the 2005 Agora Awards.

I can't develop some of my blog ideas so i will only post current events. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoa!!! Dr. K won??? astig!

10:13 PM

Blogger yomz said...

asteeg nga eh! magpalibre dapat tayo kay dr. K ng Haagen Daaz.

10:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahah oo nga! pag nakita natin banggitin mo! wahaha kelan daw ung awarding?

10:26 PM

Blogger yomz said...

hehe. oo nga. nainspire pa naman tayo nung sinabi nya na... "for sure hindi naman kayo lalagapak dyan."

tapos na ata awarding.

11:04 PM

Blogger aLLain said...

astig!! haha...

11:27 PM

Blogger dohteeh said...

talaga? astig ka dr. k! haha! dapat may 1 day free cut tayo to celebrate! hehehe. :)

9:10 PM

Blogger yomz said...

to allain:

yeah! asteeg

9:46 PM

Blogger yomz said...

to doti:

yeah! dapat nga. tapos manlibre! :D

9:47 PM


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