Graveyard Shift

I miss drinking/eating Taho. And when I saw one magtataho, I immediately bought one glass. Then I realized, this magtataho just started selling around 9PM. Say... a magtataho on a graveyard shift. That made me think... it was literally a graveyard shift since he is selling on the cemetery. What a sight... a magtataho shouting "Taho!" amidst the graves.
Everything seems the contrary. Magbabalut selling early in the morning. Magtataho selling at midnight. Almost everything is getting blurred. Blurring of lines between meanings, time, and space... haaay... parang ganun pero hindi...
ahhh...isang ironya.
ika nga ng aking idolong si max payne:
"the dead have many to say"
7:36 PM
tama... the irony of life.
7:47 PM
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