Kili-Kili Power
Each one of us possesses power. Search no further, its on your axilla. For those who slept on their bio classes, it's the underarm. In lieu with Star Wars, let's call Kilikili Power the "Axilla Force."

Stories of Axilla Force:
The Axilla Force is at its peak during summer. I don't intend to be graphic, but it's when it's humid and hot... and one is all sweaty... don't ride the MRT during rush hour. I remember a true story about a young girl who was eating lollipop in the jeepney accidentally tripped, and her lollipop got stuck on the axilla of an old guy. i'm not kinda maarte and such, pero eeuuw! yuck!!! hehe. fortunately/unfortunately, the guy was sleeping, and the lollipop was in his underarm throughout the journey. Eating that lollipop will qualify for Fear Factor.
I also read somewhere. If reincarnation is real, one person wanted to be an axilla. Why? Because he will then only need Rexona for 24-hour protection. Beat that for a bodyguard!
Lessons from the Axilla Force:
The Axilla Force manifests the repercussions of POWER.
1. Power means alienation/isolation.
When one possesses great power, he tends to be arrogant and will be difficult to approach, and will be out of our league. Similarly, with the axilla force, everyone will try to get away from you.
2. Power means responsibility.
From the clichéd Spiderman quote, "With great power comes great responsibility." With great Kilikili Power comes gargantuan amounts of tawas and rexona.
3. Power should be in moderation.
Power is good at the right levels. Something too little or too much can be bad. According to research, most women are attracted more in manly odor, rather than in perfume. With the right levels of axilla force, you will not be necessarily smelly, but can be attractive.
So remember to:
Pray everyday - So that you may live
Take a Bath everyday - So that others may live as well
Disclaimer: The photo is the P&G's Safeguard Deodorant Ad by Ace Saatchi and Saatchi.
Pray everyday - So that you may live
Take a Bath everyday - So that others may live as well
hehehehe.. katuwa naman ito...
4:16 AM
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