the shadow laboratory: Solving the 7-11 Lock Mystery

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Solving the 7-11 Lock Mystery

Why do 7-11 (and other convenience stores) have door locks knowing that they are open 24-7?

after going to different places, meeting several people, and buying different food that have no relation to this entry, i have come up with obvious reasons why they have locks.

the 7-11 mystery question is a metaphor of creation.

from dust to dust. all good things must come to an end. something must come from nothing, and to nothing it will end up.

point 1: things came from nothing.
same goes to the 24-hour convenience stores. they were not constructed open. once upon a time, they were closed. before the grand opening, before the security guard arrived, the store is locked. before the construction of the store, it was an empty lot, there was no store.

point 2: it will end up to nothing
all things must come to an end. convenience stores are not open forever. it might close temporarily and move to another location, or it might close permanently. when it is closed, it is locked.

the 7-11 mystery is a metaphor of creation. from being closed to being open, from being open to being closed. from dust to dust.

* impromptu writing practice # 1*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you forgot something. they are open 365/24/7.

if the above condition applies, the leap year doesn't.

9:42 AM


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