the shadow laboratory: My Childhood Memory

Saturday, January 07, 2006

My Childhood Memory

Our copywriting lecture was the first writing class a actually enjoyed. The exercises were challenging. It was really fun. Fiction and fact coincide. You are the writer of your life... make your version interesting, not necessarily on how you live it, but on how you tell it. Our speaker Mr. Lawin Bulatao was really inspiring. Though he bashed my lisp (accepted, no offense taken, but why does the word lisp so freakin hard to pronounce?), he managed to stimulate my hunger to write... im no writer but i want to be one... and to be one, you should plan to write, you just write... telling your ideas wont be good if the ain't written. And it inspired me to maintain my blog more, to improve myself, to write consistently and regularly. Strive for excellence. As the comics Zits mentioned, "Excellence is the new average."

The professor asked us to keep our writing exercise as proof that we can write, and i decided to keep it here for safekeeping.

Looking back on my childhood memories brings back the innocence and imagination i had before. Imaging luscious sunsets, mouth-watering scenes, and serene animal sounds all around. Imagine running around spacious green meadows, lying on the ground with flowers enveloping me, and chasing around the magnificent unicorns. What the?!? These sound freakin gay! It does not sound right, i didnt have that disturbing childhood. It feels like i hit my head or something. which reminds me of my earliest childhood memory i can remember. When i was three years old, the back of my head banged the floor... shaking my cranium and all. I still feel the loose bolts when i shake my head from time to time... (just kidding, im completely sane) kidding aside, i really don't recall details except that i was running in the bathroom and i slipped and my young fragile head hit the tiles hard... real hard. They say time stops when you see the love of your life. But i say time stops when your head is about to take the place of your feet's territory. Imagine Matrix bullet-time, how i wish i could dodge the floor and defy Newton. Im thinking if my life flashed before me since it might have been near death, but i guess no life flashes were made, or i had no enough life scenes to watch with matching popcorn. Maybe banging my head on the floor formatted my brain leaving only basics for me to boot. These things lead me to the conclusion that my neurons were re-arranged, mix and mash the grey matter, dislocating the hemispheres and corpus callosum, thus making me think this way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey this blog is not about outsourcing

I have been doing hours of research on "Outsource" and it brought me to your blog on My Childhood Memory. Anyways, yomz I was reading your blog and I think it is really cool. It’s really a pleasure reading your posts! Keep up the great work.

Keep blogging away :-)

11:06 AM

Blogger yomz said...

i dont know how my blog entry related to outsourcing. hehe.

anyways, thanks for finding the site interesting :D

11:43 PM


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